Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Field Trip To Lawrence Hall of Science

An exciting day was had at the Lawrence Hall of Science. Arrived
overlooking an overcast bay and climbed a life sized whale and an
enlarged DNA model. Walked around the inside and outside of a hands on
museum. Attended two exciting and very informative classes; Volts and
Jolts and ElectricCircuitry. Explored coils, magnets, circuits, wires, current and static electricity
, wires, lamps (light bulbs), batteries, series circuits and parallel
circuits. We drew representations of circuits, created
circuits,mimicked electrons with little green balls, and had a
"shocking" ending to our day atLHS.

Thanks to Susan, Emma, Jacqui, who helped pre-trip;
all of our drivers: Jessica, Jay, Tim, Jacqui(our alternate), Ginger,
Pam , Grace and (last minute add on), Yvonne; to the last 4 drivers
mentioned who problem solved when a car broke down while heading off to
start the trip,to Elisa and Daniel our teachers atLHS, and to all the families who fund and support field trips.

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