Thursday, September 20, 2007

Running of the Bulls

Today has been a busy one. This morning we continued learning subtraction methods for solving problems. So far the learners are becoming familiar with the open number line and the trade first methods (similar to borrowing, but using base ten blocks first to understand what is being traded). Today we learned a new strategy. I was at first puzzled by how this method worked, and some learners left today with questions about how to figure out why. In this method you use some rules:
1. Subtract from left to right, one column at a time
2. Always subtract the smaller number for the larger number.
-If the smaller number is on top, the difference is subtracted from the answer
-If the smaller number is on the bottom, the difference is added to the answer


subtract the hundreds 800- 300= +500
subtract the tens 60-40= -20
subtract the ones 6-3= +3
Find the total 500-20+3= 483

Some learners have a couple more of these problems to complete at home tonight. See if you can figure out why it works?

We also started our problem of the month today in class. We completed Level A of the Wheel Shop today and then created "status posters" to show our thinking and how we approached the problems. It was really exciting to see the learners share and explain their work.

Today we also continued with our gummy bear experiments. Learners created testable questions and then came today with materials to find out what would happen. What do you think will happen to a gummy bear soaked in soy sauce, what about a gummy bear frozen in mineral water? We will observe the results tomorrow and share.

We had our first all school assembly today to read for the record the story of Ferdinand. Learners simulated a running of the bulls before we read the book. It was a lot of fun.

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